Perhaps a non-interest date is not known by most people but finding the money Lidya’lılar Anadaolu lived in the territory. The first benefit is that we use today, Sardis Ancient City Manisa – Salihli in this region was near. At that time, the city of Sardis, the capital of Lydian Kingdom etmiştir.Sardis at 3000 years before the settlement is based. Excavations in the ancient city, as well as works belonging to the Early Bronze Period 3 to 7 thousand descendants in BC Neolithic Ages found in the works. Sardis
MS city with the 7th century BC 7 ci ci century in a period up to 1500 years old was a very important city. Roman walls were around 300 hectares. Period of the Lydian King Giges, Alyattes and Croesus (Karun) were very rich. Karuna still do not fall as rich as our language of words came up to the present Lidya’lılar period. Today, the common Izmir Ankara highway called the royal hill in the region dozens of grave or tumulus has Bintepeler, pruning is proof of the Lydian wealth. Kingdom of Lydia, Sardis Creek under the sand has run out by 1968 in excavations in Sardis settlements in the north of the gold processing workshops bulunmuştur.Anadolu ’s cı 6th century BC, the Persians invaded tarfından Terms Persians an important administrative center has become, and during this period that the satrap of Persia Governor house ownership has made. Alexander the Great in 334 BC with the invasion of the city, the Temple of Artemis, Gynasium, Helen became rapidly with the theater and the agora. 1ci located between BC and AD 4cü century Roman baths and the city will be equipped with similar components to the Greco-Roman Metropol identity was wrapped. This is the latest phase of major cities in MS and MS 4 fourth century, between 7 ci is the late Roman period. Today, this still remains an important period is available. In the town the population was smaller and in 18 ci and 19 cu century consisting of a few households have become a hamlet. Today in the Independence War in 1919-1922 following Terms town again I have seen in Turkey until gelişmiştirBugüne me most influence in the ancient city of Sardis was the place. Posture when approaching the structure away from the majestic starts to affect people. Side of the building to come down to the gigantic columns of a building is imposing See how much you see once again. 1 km to the City of Sardis is located at a distance Artemiz temple. It was a magnificent temple Belliki time, but rather that remain standing today, you can see nothing other than a 3-5 malesef column. Of course when you come up here Sardis’e not blink. Especially ideal for sunset to take pictures of the columns in this hour on a beautiful light falls
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